The UK has reportedly failed to adequately improve on cancer survival rates, according to a global study. Potentially thousands of people are dying as a result of inadequate care when compared to other wealthy countries who are said to be improving at a better rate, leaving Britain behind.
Although survival rates have improved, the UK is falling behind when compared to similar nations.
With patients in Britain said to still be dying earlier when compared with other countries, it seems like we have cause for concern.
According to the findings where data was analysed for 71 countries and almost 40 million patients, the UK’s cancer survival rates are behind those of similar countries like the US, Canada and Australia. In fact, Britain is said to be behind countries like Brazil who are not classified as on the same level as the UK in terms of wealth and advancement.
And what is the cause for the shortfalls? Reportedly, it’s down to a lack of doctors, resources and technology.
It seems clear that there is a real need for improvements for cancer survival rates in Britain. We cannot have patients needlessly dying as a result of inadequate levels of care in an age where there is the technology and skills out there to properly help people. But, as is often the case, it all comes down to a lack of resources holding our NHS back…
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