Tag: no win no fee

Claiming compensation for a fall in a hospital

fall in a hospital

When patients are admitted to a hospital, they are there to receive necessary treatment, and often for a period of care and recovery too. We, therefore, expect hospitals to be safe environments, in which patients are cared for until they have the ability to care for themselves at home. However, if staff do not monitor and maintain the safety of the hospital environment, risks may emerge that can put patients in danger. A fall in a hospital is one example of an accident that can be provoked when organisations fail to keep hazards at bay.

A fall may seem like a minor problem, but to elderly people or those with existing mobility issues, it can cause long-term complications. As such, it is important that any potentially negligent actions that may have led to a fall are thoroughly investigated, as the affected patient may be entitled to claim medical negligence compensation.

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Claiming medical negligence compensation for joint problems

Claiming medical negligence compensation for joint problems can be a vital course of action for patients to take in order to achieve some form of justice when negligence has occurred.

Our joints are some of the most important parts of our bodies to allow us to move about and carry on with our everyday lives in the best possible way. This is especially the case when it comes to major joints such as our knees, shoulders, elbows, and hips. As a person suffering from a permanent knee joint injury, I can tell you from personal experience just how much it can hinder your life: each and every day!

So, when you suffer as a result of an avoidable event that has stemmed from negligence, justice is important. That is why we, as Specialist Medical Negligence Lawyers, are here to help.

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Compensation claim for a cancelled operation

regulations and recalls

The strain on the NHS, which has only worsened since the outbreak of Covid-19, is often responsible for the cancellation of appointments and surgical procedures. In fact, hospitals have reportedly been forced to admit far fewer patients for non-coronavirus conditions in the past year. Some figures suggest that the volume of people admitted for routine treatment in hospitals was reportedly down by almost half in February 2021 when compared with the same month in 2020. If you have been adversely affected by an incident of negligence, that is when you may be able to make a claim for a cancelled operation.

In our experience, many patients are unsure of their rights when it comes to cancelled operations, which is why it is important that those affected seek legal advice to establish what their next steps can be. This is particularly vital in cases where the cancellation has had an irreversible impact on your health.

As specialists in medical negligence, we are here to support you through the uncertainties of cancelled treatment; standing up for your rights to ensure you receive the compensation you deserve. Anyone who needs to discuss the impact of a cancelled appointment and what their legal rights are can contact us for free, no-obligation advice.

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Claiming compensation for a medical mistake

medical advice nursing negligence claims

When undergoing medical training, doctors learn how to conduct rigorous treatments and procedures, and must abide by high professional standards for as long as they practice. There is no room for mistakes in medicine but, unfortunately, some patients do fall victim to needless errors made by healthcare professionals. If you have been adversely affected by a medical mistake, you may be able to claim compensation for any harm caused.

While other forms of negligence can be caused by misjudgments, such as an incorrect diagnosis or a failure to investigate symptoms, medical mistakes could describe the basic errors that can be made in the course of procedures or treatment. Often, these mistakes occur through entirely preventable missteps, which can only make them more upsetting and frustrating for the victims.

When medical professionals breach their duty of care and your health suffers as a result, you can be within your rights to claim compensation for any harm caused. We know how difficult it can be for victims in the aftermath of medical negligence, which is why we use our sensitivity and expertise to guide our clients through the claim process.

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Being sent home from hospital – claim for negligence

Cauda Equina Syndrome compensation

Though some hospital admissions can arise from minor health problems, patients are often admitted to hospital when their health is in severe decline, or in cases where emergency care is required. As a result, it is highly important that doctors and nurses carefully track their patients’ recovery and rehabilitation to ensure that they are definitely ready to be sent home from hospital. As this falls within the realms of their professional duties, you could be eligible to claim compensation for being sent home from hospital at the wrong moment if your health was adversely affected.

If patients are unable to cope after being sent home from hospital, it can cause severe damage to their health, or it may even mean that they are unable to recover properly, or at all. Cases of negligent hospital discharge can be particularly serious if the patient lives alone, as they may be left vulnerable and isolated if no one is there to help them in an emergency.

Healthcare is all about risk management, and if doctors fail to do this correctly, they may be liable for medical negligence. By making a medical negligence claim, you could be eligible to recover compensation for any harm caused.

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Claiming compensation for a diagnosis delay

elderly patient waiting times

When tackling medical conditions, a swift diagnosis is often key to ensuring successful treatment but there can, unfortunately, be bumps in the road that can slow the process down. Sometimes, a slow referral or a postponed appointment will not have an adverse impact on your health, but in cases where your condition worsens, you may be able to claim compensation for the harmful effects of any negligent diagnosis delay.

As medical negligence specialists, we have seen many patients let down by the people and the system that is supposed to care for them. Healthcare professionals have a duty to ensure diagnoses are made in a timely and accurate manner. If they fail in this responsibility, you could have every right to feel let down, particularly in cases where irrevocable damage is done to your health.

If you are considering pursuing a medical negligence claim, you can contact us today for free, no-obligation advice on your case.

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Ian Paterson compensation claims

Claims for Medical Negligence Compensation

Since Ian Paterson was first in the media over reports of mistreatment of patients, many have been contacted by the hospitals who employed him. Now, as part of an expanded patient recall by Spire Healthcare, as many as 5,500 patients have been told they may have been affected by potentially harmful practices. If they have, they could be eligible to engage in the latest Ian Paterson compensation claims process.

In 2017, it was reported that former breast surgeon Ian Paterson received a 20-year sentence following convictions that included 17 counts of wounding with intent, and three counts of unlawful wounding. In this criminal case, only some of the victims were accounted for, but it has since emerged that many more may have been affected by potential malpractice. Over the course of his practice, Paterson reportedly misdiagnosed breast cancer, performed breast surgery on patients who didn’t need it, and performed dangerous ‘cleavage-sparing’ mastectomies on breast cancer patients.

The new expansion of compensation claims is a vital step in allowing as many victims as possible to access the justice they deserve. As specialists in medical negligence, we offered our advice to victims of Ian Paterson when his mistreatment was first exposed. If you were affected, we may now be able to help you to ensure that any suffering is compensated for.

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Medical negligence compensation for infertility


When infertility prevents an individual’s or a couple’s ability to have children, the effects can be life-changing. To have the chance to start a family taken away from you is highly distressing under any circumstances, but it can be even more troubling when infertility has been provoked by medical negligence and could have been avoidable. Anyone who has been affected by this traumatic form of clinical negligence may be able to claim compensation for infertility problems.

Infertility can arise under many different circumstances, as the medical negligence may have arisen in the treatment of a condition that was completely unrelated to fertility. Our expertise in the area of clinical negligence allows us to closely examine all the complicated medical details to ensure you receive the best possible resolution to your legal case.

We are here to help you as best as we can.

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Pelvic mesh claims for compensation

pelvic mesh inquiry

The controversy surrounding this issue is why pelvic mesh claims have been ongoing for several years, and there has yet to be any concrete ban on the use of the implants. Any action from the government has been limited for those affected by the harmful complications. However, those affected by the adverse consequences of mesh implants may be able to make pelvic mesh claims on the basis of medical negligence, and we can help.

The potential complications are now public knowledge following revealing patient testimonies and a damning independent medical products review. However, many women were kept in the dark about the risks associated with the implants when they agreed to undergo surgery in the first place, and this is an element that we can look at.

If you are one of many patients who has been unfairly put at risk as a result of pelvic mesh implants, you may be able to claim compensation for the harm caused to you. We know how debilitating and life-changing the implants can be, which is why we want to ensure that all victims have a chance to seek the justice that they deserve.

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No Win, No Fee medical negligence claims

No Win, No Fee medical negligence

At The Medical Negligence Lawyers, we have developed a specialism in this area of law. Our experience ranges from personal injury claims for individual clients, to huge lawsuits against medical manufacturers, such as our PIP breast implants group action. Through our expertise, we are able to accurately determine which cases we think can succeed. This means we are able to offer No Win, No Fee medical negligence representation to our eligible clients.

Many potential clients may think this is too good to be true, but our No Win, No Fee agreement is completely genuine. As long as you comply with the terms and conditions of our agreement, we can agree to write off your legal fees if the case is lost.

As firm believers in access to justice, we would not have it any other way.

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