Sepsis compensation claims advice

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Sepsis – also known as blood poisoning – is a potentially life threatening condition that can be triggered by an infection where the body works overtime in order to fight it. By working overtime, the body can reduce the amount of blood flow that it sends to the vital organs, which can eventually cause them to shut down.

This can lead to multiple organ failure, or even death.

For those reasons, sepsis needs to be caught early to prevent it developing to the point where the body begins to shut down organs or ultimately kill someone. In cases where medical staff have failed to do this, patients may be able to claim compensation for medical negligence.

Common errors that leads to claims for sepsis

When sepsis is fully kicked in, the chances of survival can literally be 50-50.

The nature of sepsis means that symptoms need to be recognised quickly, and a diagnosis must be made so treatment can start as soon as possible. The quicker this happens, the more likely it is that patients can make a full recovery.

However, when a medical professional fails to spot the signs of sepsis, and a delay in diagnosis and treatment happens as a result, it can become very dangerous for a patient. Failure to spot symptoms that ultimately leads to a delay in diagnosis and treatment can be serious.

Can I claim?

If you or a family member have suffered or someone has sadly passed away as a result of sepsis due to medical negligence, you may be able to claim compensation. Sepsis survivors can be seriously affected physically, psychologically, and financially. If it was not recognised or diagnosed early enough it can lead to a claim for compensation.

The physical effects of sepsis can be life threatening and ultimately fatal. If it goes misdiagnosed or there is a delay this can have long terms effects such as the patient becoming disabled as an amputation is needed. It can also result in the death of a patient as well if it has developed too much due to a delay.

The financial impact that sepsis can have on a person’s life can be huge if they were to suffer an amputation. Not only can the person be hospitalised and end up taking time off work, some people might not be able to return to work at all. This could result in a person suffering a loss of earning – something they would be able to claim for.

It can have a huge psychological impact on a person as it can lead to memory loss, anxiety, and over time if can cause mental functioning to worse as well.

We can help

If you or a family member have suffered unnecessarily from sepsis due to a delayed diagnosis or delayed treatment, we may be able to help you. Fill out our quick form to arrange a callback from one of our medical claims team or please call 0800 634 75 75 free from a landline or mobile for expert advice.

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