
NHS screening problems: advice for patients

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NHS screening problems: advice for patients

When it comes to NHS screening problems for things like cancer, it’s important that patients get the right help when it’s needed.

But when things go wrong, patients can suffer. When problems are avoidable, that’s where we can help people.

Delayed diagnosis or delayed treatment that stems from problems with screening can allow a patient to make a medical negligence claim for compensation. Depending on what has happened, we may be able to offer No Win, No Fee representation.

NHS screening problems a cause for concern

NHS screening problems have been in the media a lot over the last few years. Recent reviews have led to concerns being issued with regards to delays and access.

Reportedly, there has also been a drop in uptake for certain types of screening, which may stem from the accessibility issues.

There have been calls for a complete overhaul of the current systems. When you recall the serious events like the NHS Breast Screening Scandal that we’re helping people claim for, it’s important to ensure that those kinds of scenarios are never repeated.

Risk to life

There’s an obvious risk of loss of life when it comes to NHS screening problems. Where diagnosis and treatment is delayed because screening isn’t accessible, or is provided too late, people can – and will – suffer.

And when it comes to cancer screening, we’re talking about a disease that really needs to be caught early if the patient has any chance of a successful recovery.

The UK has reportedly got one of the worst comparative survival rates for cancer at the moment. Screening problems may well be linked to this damning statistic that needs sorting out as soon as possible.

Claiming  compensation for NHS screening problems

You could be entitled to make a medical negligence claim for compensation as a victim who has suffered problems or compilations that arise form NHS screening problems.

If you have suffered more as a direct result of delays or issues that are linked to screening, you could claim for the additional suffering that you should never have had to endure.

We may be able to offer No Win, No Fee representation.

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