patient in hospital bed

Negligence on a ward – legal advice

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Negligence on a ward – legal advice

Hospital wards can be one of the most fast-paced healthcare environments, with nurses and doctors forced to keep on top of many responsibilities at once. We know that the NHS has been under strain for many years, and the coronavirus pandemic  has put even more pressure on our hospitals, but these difficulties are no excuse for a lower quality of care. If you have experienced medical negligence on a ward, or if your loved one has, you may be able to claim compensation for any harm that has been caused.

Whether a nurse has failed to check up on a patient, or a doctor has failed to notice a change in symptoms, there are several kinds of medical negligence that can arise on a ward, many of which are provoked by the inattention of medical professionals. If you think you may have a compensation claim to make, please do not hesitate to contact us for advice.

Poor treatment for hospital patients

When you are admitted to a hospital ward, you will reasonably presume that you are placing yourself in safe hands, with those who have your best interests at heart. Many patients may be elderly or too weak to communicate, meaning they may be unable to speak up for themselves, so they rely on nurses and doctors to fulfil their needs. Unfortunately, some medical professionals may unintentionally or willfully fail to meet the standard of care required of them.

Many cases of negligence on a ward may not relate to the condition the patient is in hospital for, as they may consist of failing to meet basic standards of care. For instance, pressure sores, also known as bed sores, are a common issue for patients spending long periods of time in hospitals, as they are tissue injuries caused by prolonged pressure to the skin. If left untreated, they can provoke severe infections or lead to other serious complications.

Other forms of negligence on a ward can include preventable falls. For example, if a patient is left alone for a long time, a patient with mobility issues may be forced to walk to the toilet without the assistance of a nurse, and may fall over as a result. If patients are not monitored regularly, such incidents could arise.

Claiming for medical negligence on a ward

Fortunately, the law can entitle patients to claim for medical negligence on a ward, just as it does for any diagnostic or treatment errors. It does not matter that your case does not concern a major surgical error or a drastic misdiagnosis – your doctor(s) or nurse(s) may have still breached their duty in failing to provide an appropriate standard of care.

If we can prove this failing damaged your health and well-being, we may be able to recover compensation. The pay-out could include the pain, suffering and inconvenience caused to you, as well as any additional financial losses or expenses, such as the cost of further treatment.

Advice from the Medical Negligence Lawyers

At The Medical Negligence Lawyers, we know how to combine our legal know-how and the knowledge of medical experts to help our clients achieve justice. No one should have to suffer the effects of poor medical treatment but, when negligence does occur, it is essential that medical professionals are held to account for their breach of duty.

To receive free, no-obligation advice on your potential claim, simply contact us today and a member of our team will be happy to help.

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