compensation for a diagnosis error

Endocarditis misdiagnosis – compensation claims

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Endocarditis misdiagnosis – compensation claims

There are some diseases or health conditions that require a quick diagnosis to bring the issue under control and give the patient their best chance of recovery. Endocarditis can be one such illness, as it can be fatal in the worst circumstances, particularly if left untreated. As such, an endocarditis misdiagnosis can be one of the most damaging forms of medical negligence that we may encounter in this specialist area of law.

Whilst endocarditis can be a rare condition, this does not excuse doctors and healthcare professionals from being able to identify its signs. It is vital that necessary precautions are taken when a patient seems to be exhibiting the symptoms of this condition, as a failure to act could have serious implications for the patient.

We all put our faith it the expertise of our doctors but, unfortunately, medical care does not always meet the standards we have come to expect on some occasions. However difficult the circumstances, doctors have an obligation to treat their patients to the best of their ability. Where they fail to do so, they may be in breach of their professional duties. If you have been affected by an incident like this, you may be able to pursue a medical negligence claim for personal injury compensation now.

What is endocarditis and how can it be misdiagnosed?

Endocarditis consists of an infection of the inner lining of the heart, known as the endocardium. It is typically provoked by bacteria entering the bloodstream and consequently reaching the heart. The symptoms can vary, but they can include chest pain, a heart murmur, breathing difficulties, a fever or chills, and aching joints or muscles. Where the condition escalates, it can cause difficulties such as heart failures, strokes, blood clots, and brain damage. In some cases, it can even be fatal.

An endocarditis misdiagnosis may occur when a doctor fails to identify endocarditis or identifies it too late. Any initial misstep could lead to failure to refer the patient for appropriate testing, which could also constitute negligence.

Claiming compensation for an endocarditis misdiagnosis

When pursuing an endocarditis misdiagnosis claim, we can carefully examine all the circumstances surrounding your illness and suffering to ensure that you receive the compensation you deserve, if you are eligible to claim. This can include looking into your medical records, for which we will typically require the assistance of an independent medical expert.

In terms of valuing the compensation claim, we will be evaluating how severely the patient was impacted by endocarditis, whether in the form of long-term health complications, or in consequent psychological difficulties. Where relevant, there may also be an assessment of any financial losses and expenses caused by the endocarditis misdiagnosis. For example, you may have lost earnings due to time spent off work, and you could be reimbursed for these losses as part of a claim.

Make your claim today

As specialist medical negligence lawyers, we aim to empower patients to hold negligent doctors to account. Diagnosis errors should not go unnoticed, as they can have a profound impact on the affected patients’ lives.

We can offer free, no-obligation advice to anyone looking to find out more about making a compensation claim, so do not hesitate to contact us with any enquiries you may have.

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