dental negligence compensation claims

Dental negligence compensation claims

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Dental negligence compensation claims

Dental negligence compensation claims can be extremely complex, which is why you need experts on your case.

We have simplified our negligence claims process to make your experience as easy as possible, and we are able to offer No Win, No Fee legal representation for eligible clients.

Dental negligence can be just as serious as medical negligence. Our lawyers are experts when it comes to both medical and dental negligence and we can help you get the justice you deserve. Our team has won millions of pounds in compensation for victims who have suffered from a range of types of negligence, and we are here to help you with your dental negligence compensation claims.

Experts in dental negligence compensation claims

Dental negligence compensation claims can be complex in nature and each victim can suffer differently. Our expert team, along with the help of dental experts we can instruct, can evaluate your condition and your treatment to assess the value of your claim.

If you have been subject to any of the following, you could be eligible to make a compensation claim;

  • Gum disease claims – usually from a failure to treat or diagnose the condition;
  • Wrongful dental extraction claims;
  • Dental bridge, crown, implant, and veneer claims – e.g. through bad fitting or damage to surrounding teeth;
  • Cut or drill to incorrect part of mouth by mistake (such as your gum or tongue);
  • Procedures carried out on the incorrect tooth;
  • Needless removal of teeth; or removal of the wrong tooth / teeth;
  • Poorly performed fillings;
  • Injury through too much force being applied during a procedure;
  • Damage from a product used negligently, such as bleach for whitening.

You can read more about making a dental negligence claim here.

What could I claim for?

When it comes to dental negligence compensation claims, there are generally two ways we value your claim. First, we have General Damages that can cover any injury, suffering and loss of amenity caused as a result of the negligence. This can also include any impact on your social and domestic life, and any psychological and cosmetic issues as well.

Secondly, we can look at Special Damages which can cover any losses or expenses incurred as a result of the dental negligence. If you have had to take time off work, lost your job, needed further treatment, or incurred any care costs, you could be eligible to claim these expenses back.

Dental negligence compensation claims will need to have evidence of the negligence and, in most cases, victims will need to be independently assessed by an expert to create a statement to aid your claim.

Start your claim with the Medical Negligence Lawyers

You can trust us – The Medical Negligence Lawyers – with your dental negligence claim. We can fight for you to achieve the best results and maximum compensation possible.

We can also represent eligible victims on a No Win, No Fee basis, so you do not have to worry about further expenses and legal fees if you do not win your case, subject to our terms and conditions.

Our expert team of dental lawyers are happy to help you now, and we can usually tell you within minutes if you have a claim so do not hesitate to get in touch. Contact us today by filling in the form here and get your dental negligence claim started.

30-second claim form
Our 30-Second Claim Form

Really need to know if you have either a medical, clinical or dental negligence claim to make?

Fill out our super-fast form below and our team will contact you and let you know if you have a case to make a claim for compensation.

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