Category: Treatment

Pelvic mesh compensation claim for compensation

care laws

You could be eligible to pursue a pelvic mesh compensation claim with our specialist team of Medical Negligence Lawyers now on a No Win, No Fee basis.

We provide free, no-obligation claims assessments where we can determine if your case is one that we can pursue for you on this basis. If we can pursue the claim for you, you can benefit from our expertise as a leading firm of injury compensation specialists.

If you know that you need to speak to us now, please do not hesitate to contact the team for free, no-obligation advice here.

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Eye injury compensation claims

opioid drug deaths

The Medical Negligence Lawyers can fight for your right to win eye injury compensation if you have suffered this kind of injury as a result of a clinical problem.

Given that eye injury claims can be some of the most serious that we represent people for, it is absolutely essential to make sure that you instruct specialist lawyers. We can offer a specialist service, and you may be eligible to benefit from No Win, No Fee legal representation.

Speak to the team here now for free, no-obligation advice.

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Problems with treatment: right to claim compensation


You could be eligible to claim compensation for clinical negligence that arises from problems with treatment, and you may be able to benefit from No Win, No Fee legal representation.

Whether the issue has arisen due to the incorrect diagnosis or the incorrect course of treatment being administered, or through problems with medicines and equipment, we may be able to help you. So long as the problems have been caused due to some form of negligence, you could be entitled to claim thousands of pounds in personal injury damages now.

Read More “Problems with treatment: right to claim compensation”

Importance of mental health

anti-depressants prescriptions for children

The importance of mental health simply cannot be ignored, and it should be appreciated given that people can suffer significantly when things are not going well.

As Specialist Medical Negligence Lawyers, we represent a lot of people for serious and catastrophic injury cases, so we know all too well how badly people can suffer. We also represent thousands of people claiming for distress and psychological injury matters too, and we can offer No Win, No Fee legal representation.

As lawyers, we are here to help when we can.

Read More “Importance of mental health”

Compensation if an infection was not diagnosed


You could be entitled to claim compensation if an infection was not diagnosed at all or in time, and we may be able to represent you for a legal case now on a No Win, No Fee basis.

We are happy to provide you with an initial free claims assessment where you can talk to our team here now on a no-obligation basis. We can then determine if we are able to provide you with No Win, No Fee legal representation.

Read More “Compensation if an infection was not diagnosed”

Sodium Valproate scandal: compensation advice

hernia mesh compensation claims

If you have been affected by the Sodium Valproate scandal, we may be able to launch a No Win, No Fee claim for personal injury compensation for you.

Sodium Valproate is an anticonvulsant that is used to manage conditions such as epilepsy and bipolar disorder, as well as being used for women who suffer from migraines. The Sodium Valproate scandal stems from a lack of consent and advice about the substantial risks that an unborn baby can be exposed to when the mother has been taking it.

Anyone who has been affected by the scandal could be entitled to pursue a claim for compensation now.

Read More “Sodium Valproate scandal: compensation advice”

Compensation for medication problems

drugs issues

Patients can be eligible to claim compensation for medication problems, and our expert team of medical negligence lawyers may be able to represent you on a No Win, No Fee basis.

There can be many ways in which medication can become a problem: from the incorrect drugs being provided, to the incorrect diagnosis leading to issues not being resolved. There can also be problems that stem from the medication products themselves, which can be related to contaminated batches, to the incorrect contents or erroneous instructions being provided.

If you have suffered due to problems with medication, and the issues have arisen from negligence, that is when we may be able to represent you for a compensation claim.

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Royal Derby Hospital gynaecologist investigation

hernia mesh claims

Following the initial allegations of alleged malpractice against former consultant Daniel Hay, the Royal Derby Hospital gynaecologist investigation went on to inform more women of their potential involvement in the ongoing review of his patients. To date, the doctor has reportedly been found to have “unnecessarily harmed” 8 women who had undergone significant surgery under his care.

Further developments emerged toward the end of 2020 that reportedly pushed up the total to 382 of the gynaecologist’s former patients being implicated in the investigation. It is understood that the majority of these women reportedly have no need to worry about immediate health concerns, according to the trust. However, given the length of his service at the hospital, we would not be surprised if the investigation further widened as it already has done so far.

Any women who have suffered at the hands of the gynaecologist may be eligible to claim compensation if negligence has been involved. If more victims should be identified, we are here to help them pursue recompense for the harm inflicted upon them, and eligible clients can benefit from No Win, No Fee legal representation.

Read More “Royal Derby Hospital gynaecologist investigation”

Claiming medical negligence for eye injuries

eye claims

You could be eligible to claim compensation by way of a legal case for medical negligence for eye injuries if you have suffered any damage to this vital sensory organ.

Eye injuries can be some of the most severe that we represent people for given the impact that an eye injury can have on the victim. Sight loss can completely change the life of an injured person, even if it is loss in one eye or even partial loss of vision in one or both eyes. It will have an impact, from going about your everyday lives to how you are able to operate at work. This is why it is important to access specialist legal help for an injury of this nature, and we can offer just that.

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Claiming medical negligence compensation for joint problems

Claiming medical negligence compensation for joint problems can be a vital course of action for patients to take in order to achieve some form of justice when negligence has occurred.

Our joints are some of the most important parts of our bodies to allow us to move about and carry on with our everyday lives in the best possible way. This is especially the case when it comes to major joints such as our knees, shoulders, elbows, and hips. As a person suffering from a permanent knee joint injury, I can tell you from personal experience just how much it can hinder your life: each and every day!

So, when you suffer as a result of an avoidable event that has stemmed from negligence, justice is important. That is why we, as Specialist Medical Negligence Lawyers, are here to help.

Read More “Claiming medical negligence compensation for joint problems”

Compensation claims for gynaecology negligence

Lawyers assess the case as lawsuit begins

Compensation claims for gynaecology negligence can be some of the most severe and serious types of cases that we take on for people on a No Win, No Fee basis.

This intimate and sensitive area can leave patients with lifelong physical, mental and interpersonal complications when an injury is sustained. As specialist Medical Negligence Lawyers, we understand the severity of the harm that can be caused and what we can do about it from a legal perspective.

As we often say, we cannot turn back the clocks. But, what we can do is fight for some form of justice for you by way of a clinical negligence claim for compensation.

Read More “Compensation claims for gynaecology negligence”

Compensation claim for a cancelled operation

regulations and recalls

The strain on the NHS, which has only worsened since the outbreak of Covid-19, is often responsible for the cancellation of appointments and surgical procedures. In fact, hospitals have reportedly been forced to admit far fewer patients for non-coronavirus conditions in the past year. Some figures suggest that the volume of people admitted for routine treatment in hospitals was reportedly down by almost half in February 2021 when compared with the same month in 2020. If you have been adversely affected by an incident of negligence, that is when you may be able to make a claim for a cancelled operation.

In our experience, many patients are unsure of their rights when it comes to cancelled operations, which is why it is important that those affected seek legal advice to establish what their next steps can be. This is particularly vital in cases where the cancellation has had an irreversible impact on your health.

As specialists in medical negligence, we are here to support you through the uncertainties of cancelled treatment; standing up for your rights to ensure you receive the compensation you deserve. Anyone who needs to discuss the impact of a cancelled appointment and what their legal rights are can contact us for free, no-obligation advice.

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