Category: Technology
Poor systems can lead to instances of medical negligence cases. With the NHS still in the midst of funding problems, they’re being left behind.
Technology is great. It has helped industries to become far more efficient, and this includes the NHS. However, the continual funding “crisis” as some have labelled it is starting to cause problems. As a result of a lack of funding and investment, the NHS is getting left behind. Their systems and technology is outdated, and this is causing problems.
Ultimately, there’s a risk of medical negligence cases that arise out of the lack of up-to-date systems and tech.
Offering the £175 genetic “Angelina Jolie” cancer test to patients is the perfect example of how prevention over treatment can really save lives.
As we practically say in almost every single article we write, we’re aware that the NHS does not have a bottomless pit of money, and funding and resources are both a real problem right now. But, studies have confirmed that offering the cancer test that was made famous when Hollywood actress, Angelina Jolie, helped to raise awareness of a “faulty gene” linked with breast and ovarian cancer, is said to be cost effective.
This is the perfect example of how prevention over treatment should always be the primary focus.
The NHS has been accused of a breast cancer scandal “cover up” following revelations that almost half a million women aged between 68 and 71 in the UK did not receive their invitation for breast cancer screening as a result of a computer glitch.
75-year-old old Patricia Minchin did not receive her invitation for breast cancer screening, reportedly because of the error, and the cancer has since spread.
Ms Minchin has accused the NHS of a “cover up” in a scandal that has reportedly seen as many as 270 women die, possibly as a direct result of not receiving their invitations because of the glitch.
Data breaches are practically the new norm, and with healthcare sector breaches at the top of the pile, we have a lot of reasons to be worried as a nation relying on a public-funded healthcare system.
For the private healthcare systems like they have in the U.S., the liability and the costs can fall on a private organisation or their insurance. In the U.K., the taxpayer picks up the tab.
The increasing numbers of healthcare sector data breaches is not helping the NHS funding situation at all.
Read More “The worrying trend of data breaches will not help the NHS funding situation”