Category: Surgery Claims
We represent victims for cosmetic surgery compensation claims, as they usually fall within the scope of the medical negligence work that we carry out.
And with cosmetic procedures growing in popularity in recent years, we have seen an increase in the numbers of claims for personal injury compensation that we’ve taken forward.
What may be understood to be a simple and straightforward procedure could leave a victim needing months – or even years – of corrective work. This can cost thousands of pounds and leave patients suffering with serious pain, suffering and loss of amenity, and this is something that we can help people with.
In some circumstances, cancelled NHS appointments can be unavoidable. But with reports of increasing numbers of delays and problems, we need to look at patient safety.
And we also need to look at when cancellations lead to patient suffering, and whether a victim can be entitled to make a claim for medical negligence compensation.
It’s understood that there are increasing numbers of appointments being cancelled, and some are being cancelled more than once. There have been reports of some patients facing 10 cancellations in a row, which is staggering. With this problem seemingly on the rise, what can patients do?
Read More “Cancelled NHS appointments and medical negligence compensation”
It’s possible to be able to make a claim for compensation for a cancelled operation, and this can be something that we’re able to offer No Win, No Fee representation for.
Whether you can claim or not often depends on a number of factors as to why the procedure was cancelled, as well as the priority of the procedure, and if you have suffered.
When it comes to making a claim for medical negligence compensation, we must typically show that negligence has occurred, and that the negligence has caused suffering. It isn’t always the case that a a cancelled procedure stems from negligence, so we must assess each case on its own individual merits.
If you need to claim compensation for hip replacement surgery that has gone wrong, we can help you as expert medical negligence solicitors.
Even when cases feel like they ought to be straightforward, many medical negligence claims can be difficult to pursue. Succeeding with a case can often come down to the evidence available and the opinions of the independent experts that we instruct. Medicine and surgery is not always an exact science.
But, when it comes to matters a serious as hip replacement surgery, instructing the right law firm can be the difference between winning your case, or receiving nothing at all.
Read More “Compensation for hip replacement surgery gone wrong”
There have been some worrying numbers surrounding the volumes of so-called NHS ‘never events’ in recent times, and some of the instances are shocking.
NHS ‘never events’ are essentially serious errors and mistakes that should never happen because they should be completely preventable. They include things like the wrong body parts being operated on or removed, or the wrong areas inside the body being operated on. They also include incorrect surgeries and tools being left inside patients after procedures.
Recent data has suggested that there has been a worrying number of the so-called ‘never events’, which is a cause for concern.
It’s reported that there are delays with NHS cancer scans being read that has stemmed from an ongoing pensions tax row that has led to some NHS staff limiting the amount of overtime they do.
In some cases, cancer scans are being left for weeks before being dealt with, which can leave patients vulnerable to cancer spreading and the development of compilations. One example reportedly saw turnaround times jump from one week to one month, and some patients have turned up to appointments for readings to be given when scans haven’t been dealt with at all, leading to wasted appointments.
At the centre of this ongoing dispute is the patients who are vulnerable to suffering more when turnaround times are impacted. For a matter as serious and as left threatening as cancer, something needs to be done.
As worrying and as sensitive as the topic may be, we simply have to talk about cancer misdiagnosis compensation claims because they do happen.
It’s an important subject to cover because for patients who have suffered a misdiagnosis that’s related to cancer, the impact can be devastating. In some cases, the impact can be permanent, and in some cases, it can be fatal.
If you have been misdiagnosed when you had cancer, or if you were symptoms we misdiagnosed as cancer and you’ve had unnecessary treatment, its important to know your rights.
A loss of eyesight compensation claim is often a high value case that’s dealt with by our specialist catastrophic injury team here at the Medical Negligence Lawyers.
Compensation pay-outs can be significant, and they will usually need to cover not only the suffering and inconvenience of losing your eyesight, but also for losses and expenses. If you can no longer work due to the loss of vision, the lost earnings claim can be substantial.
Here’s a little advice about when you may be eligible to make a claim for medical negligence compensation for losing your vision, and what to do.
Read More “Loss of eyesight compensation through medical negligence”
Pelvic mesh removal problems can be horrendous, and patients can be left with severe and lifelong complications when things go wrong.
Pelvic mesh is intended to be permanent. As such, it isn’t intended to be removed or altered at a later date, and that’s why mesh removal issues can be so problematic. When things do go wrong, and mesh removal is the only way to resolve the problems the patient is having, it can be impossible to achieve.
This leaves patients with damaged or migrated mesh still inside them, and even partially removed mesh in some cases. If this has happened to you, here’s what we can do for you.
When it comes to hernia mesh dangers, we know the problems all too well as a firm of lawyers who are representing people claiming for compensation.
With the risk of patients suffering complications being as high as 30% in some instances, and when some of the problems that people can be left with can be hard to treat, there’s a cause for concern.
Hernia mesh devices continue to be used, although there’s growing scrutiny over their use as a result of rising number of problems and complications. If you have suffered as a result of being fitted with hernia mesh, what can you do?
It can be absolutely devastating for patients in cases where the doctors missed cancer signs and symptoms, and the impact can be severe and permanent.
It comes as no comfort when we’re told that we don’t have anything serious to worry about, only to discover later on down the line that there has been an error. As medical negligence specialists, compensation claims for a missed or incorrect diagnosis is a common type of case, and when it involves cancer, it’s a matter that needs to be taken seriously.
If this has happened to you or someone you know, here’s a little advice about what to do.
We can offer you free, no-obligation advice about hernia mesh complications, and we may be able to represent you for a compensation claim on a No Win, No Fee basis.
We’re already acting for a number of patients who have put their trust and faith in us to fight for their rights to compensation. We can tell you from first-hand experience that we know how bad the complications can be, and we appreciate the impact this can have on your life. That’s why we’ve agreed to offer No Win, No Fee agreements for cases we can take forward.
If you’ve yet to start a case, we’re happy to be of service.