Category: Serious Injury Cases

Legal advice for cancer screening errors


Cancer screening errors can be devastating and can have the potential to cause serious harm to patients. In some cases, the damage may be irreversible.

With this in mind, it’s important that we discuss this issue and advise patients about their rights when it comes to justice. Victims of an error can be entitled to make a claim for medical negligence compensation with us, and we may be able to offer No Win, No Fee representation.

There’s a great deal that needs to be considered in a case like this. When it comes to personal injury legal cases, our focus and dedication is on serious matters like these. Our team is here to help you.

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Worrying revelations from Ian Paterson inquiry

The revelations from the recently published report following the Ian Paterson inquiry has revealed that more than 1,000 patients suffered needless operations.

The report also recommends that perhaps all 11,000 of his patients are recalled to identify if the number of victims is greater. The report has also criticised the NHS and the hospitals he has worked at, citing that there was a “culture of avoidance and denial” and “wilful blindness”  to his actions.

As specialist medical negligence lawyers, we often see the horrors patients go through when something goes wrong. But this is a very different case that involves a rogue surgeon who has deliberately harmed and violated the patients he was charged with caring for.

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Childbirth brain injuries advice

lawyers advice and help

The subject of childbirth brain injuries isn’t something that many people really want to have to discuss or address, given how traumatic it can be.

However, given the impact that this kind of injury can have on the patient for the rest of their life, it’s important for victims and their families to understand their legal rights.

There is a process that allows for a pathway to justice, and it’s about achieving the best that we can when considering the circumstances. We can’t turn back the clock but, as specialist medical negligence lawyers that focus on serious and catastrophic injury cases, there is a great deal that we can do.

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