If you need our specialist advice as expert medical negligence solicitors when it comes to matters of A&E negligence, we can help you.
Winter is here, and we are potentially facing a rather cold one. The extra strain that the NHS will face is likely on its way if it’s not already here, and we may see bed shortages and longer waits in A&E. Whilst we know that it’s for the government to ensure that we have a fully functioning and properly funded healthcare service, patients cannot be allowed to suffer in silence.
When patients do suffer, lives can be turned upside down. And that’s where we come in.
You can be entitled to make a medical compensation claim that arises from A&E negligence, and this is something that we can offer No Win, No Fee representation for.
If treatment and assistance has been delayed for too long and this leads to unnecessary extra suffering or complications, you may have a case. This can stem from bed shortages as well as staff shortages which can be typical this time of year, but patients should not have to suffer to the extent where serious problems arise.
Not all cases of waiting for care lead to claims for negligence, as we must establish that negligence has taken place. The worry is that the ongoing funding constraints from the government may lead to strains on services that could result in patients suffering. Patients should never have to suffer, and where they do, we can help.
Any mistakes by staff in A&E that lead to further suffering and problems is also something that you may be able to claim for as well.
You have to establish that there has been some form of A&E negligence in order to be able to make a claim for compensation.
The scenes we’re used to seeing of cramped departments with trolleys in waiting rooms and in corridors does not necessarily mean that those patients will have a valid case. Staff will need to prioritise care in terms of urgency, but where a failure takes place and someone suffers unnecessarily, that’s when a claim may be valid.
We must establish this on a case-by-case basis. We also need expert evidence from an independent consultant to prove that negligence has occurred and to allow us to value the claim as well. When we initially consider a case, we will assess the risks and determine if we feel there are prospects of success, and where there are, we can then offer No Win, No Fee representation.
One of the important things for us as medical negligence lawyers is being able to ensure that our specialist advice is available so people can make informed decisions about going ahead with a case.
That’s why we offer our initial advice on an entirely free and no-obligation basis.
We can assess the case and tell you if we think we can win, and then we can offer our services on a No Win, No Fee basis. It’s then up to you as to what you do. We’re also open from 9am until 10pm on most weekdays, and 9am to 5pm on weekends, so we can be as accessible as we can for you.
Really need to know if you have either a medical, clinical or dental negligence claim to make?
Fill out our super-fast form below and our team will contact you and let you know if you have a case to make a claim for compensation.
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